
序号 成果名称


刊物或者国际性会议名称 本单位主要完成人 收录
1. The manipulation of magnetization damping in FeNi1–xNdx/Cu/FeCo1–yGdy

sandwich structured multilayers

Journal of Applied Physics 张栋


2. Temperaturedependentcoercivityandmagnetizationoflight rare-earth Nd doped permalloy thin films Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 张栋




3. Effect of spacer layer on the magnetization dynamics

of permalloy/rare-earth/permalloy trilayers

Journal of Applied Physics 张栋




4. Investigation of Saturation Magnetization and

Damping in Tb/Cr/Fe Trilayers

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 张栋




5. Localized Surface Plasmon-Enhanced

Electroluminescence in OLEDs by

Self-Assembly Ag Nanoparticle Film

Nanoscale Research Letters 王文军




6. 一维窄带光子晶体制备与光学特性研究 激光与光电子学进展 王文军


7. Investigation  of  defect  modes  with  Al2O3and  TiO2in  one-dimensional

photonic  crystals

Optik 王文军


8. High efficiency electron transfer layer based on Ag-Al co-doped ZnS in organic lighting emission decices ECS Solid State Letters 王文军




9. Experimental and theoretical analysis of ZnO/Au/ZnO transparent conducting thin films Vacuum 王文军




10. Langmuir-Blodgett films of a new Diels-Alder Adductof  C60 with 1,1’-biindene Materials Science Forum 张一清 EI
11. Diode-pumped passively dual-wavelength Q-switched Nd: GYSGG laser using graphene oxide as the saturable absorber Applied Optics






12. Passively Q-switched mode-locked dual-wavelength Nd: GYSGG laser using graphene oxide saturable absorber Optics Communications 张丙元




13. Dual-wavelength self-Q-switched Nd: GYSGG laser Journal of Modern Optics 张丙元




14. Compact High Stable Passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 Laser with Cr4+:YAG Optik 张丙元




15. Passively Q-switched Nd-YVO4 laser using MoS2 as saturable absorber Optik 张丙元 SCI
16. Passively q-switched Nd:GdTaO4 laser by GO Optics Engineering 张丙元 SCI
17. Passively Q-switched mode locking performance of Nd:GdTaO4 crystal by MoS2 saturable absorber at 1066 nm Applied Optics 王国菊




18. Effect of electronic excitation to intermolecular proton transfer in bulk nitromethane: Tuned parameter SCC-DFTB and first principles study Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 郭峰 SCI
19. Hugoniot curves calculations of nitromethane decomposition mixtures: A Reactive Force Filed Molecular Dynamics Approach Chinese Phyics B 郭峰 SCI
20. Tunable subwavelength strong absorption

by graphene wrapped dielectric particles

J. Opt. 杨冰 SCI
21. Planar and ridge ZnO optical waveguides produced by 15 MeV C5+ ion irradiation Optical Materials Express 姚一村 SCI


22. Fluorescence enhancement and quenchign of Eu(TTFA)3

by Ag nanoparticles at different excitations

Journal of Luminescence 王青如 SCI
23. Fluorescence enhancement of radix angelica dahurica by binding to single sphere Chin. Phys. B 王青如 SCI
24. Mode-locked thulium fiber laser with MoS2 Laser Phys. Lett 田振
25. Optical orbital angular momentum of

evanescent Bessel waves

Optics Express 杨震山 SCI
26. Temporal evolution of instantaneous phonons in time-dependent harmonic


Journal of Mathematical Physics 杨震山 SCI
27.  钨酸铅晶体的太赫兹光谱 人工晶体学报 孙桂芳
28. Memristive behavior and forming mechanism of homogeneous TiOx device Materials Research Bulletin 董瑞新 SCI-


29. A reproducible write–(read)n–erase and multilevel bio-memristor based on DNA molecule Organic Electronics 董瑞新 SCI-


30. Memristive behavior of Al2O3 film with bottom electrode surface modified by Ag nanoparticles Appl. Phys. A 董瑞新 SCI-


31. 嵌入Ag纳米颗粒层的DNA忆阻器 物理学报 闫循领 SCI-


32. 基于“波”概念的机械能守恒定律验证实验的改进 物理教师 安学立
33. Generation of Hexagonal 16-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Signals ACP2015 王秋国 EI
34. The use of the constant vector basis functions for the magnetic field integral equation Engineering analysis with boundary elements 邓阿丽 SCI
35. Electromagnetic scattering analysis using a combined magnetic field integral equation for small objects with flat surfaces Optics Letters 张黎明, SCI
36. A discontinuous Galerkin volume integral equation method IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 张黎明


37. Solving Volume Electric Current Integral Equation
With Full- and Half-SWG Functions
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 张黎明


38. Effect of oxygen pressure on second harmonic generation in zinc oxide

thin films deposited by PLD

Optics Communications 李淑红


39. The Effects of Element Substitution on theCrystal Lattice and Electronic Structure of LaO0.5F0.5Bi(Se1−xSx) 2 Superconductor 凝聚态物理学进展 吕增涛


40. Effect of La Doping on the Electro nic Structure of BiS2-Based Superconductor Sr1 − xLaxFBiS2 J Low Temp Phys 吕增涛


41. Theoretical Study of Adsorption of Ba and Sr atoms on wurtzite ZnO(0001) surface with DFT approach 原子与分子物理学报 吕增涛


42. 红条毛肤石鳖齿舌主侧齿中的纳米磁铁矿Fe3O4 人工晶体学报 钱霞 EI
43. 生物磁铁矿与磁接收器 四川大学学报(自然科学版) 钱霞
44. 以问题解决为手段在大学物理实验课程中培养员工的实践能力和创新能力 物理与工程 钱霞
45. Processing of Words Labels in Scanned Map Based on Singularity Detection DCABES2015 徐志鹏 EI
46. Generation and transmission of a High-bit-rate optical millimeter wave with an unrepeated long single-span using equalization amplification. Optics Communications, 郑宏军 SCI


47. Experimental Demonstration of Long-Distance Analog Transmission over Few-Mode Fibers, OFC2015 郑宏军 EI
48. Analog Fiber-Optic Links Using High-Order Fiber Modes ECOC2015, 郑宏军 EI
49. Experimental Demonstration of 5-Mode PON Achieving a Net Gain of 4 dB in Upstream Transmission Loss Budget, ECOC2015, 郑宏军 EI
50. Study of an Improved 80×360-Gb/s Nyquist-WDM Transmission System Based on Nonbinary LDPC Coding ACP/IPOC 2015 白成林 EI
51. 改进型多元QC-LDPC码的构造及其在PDM-CO- OFDM系统中的应用 光电子激光 白成林 EI
52. 基于25GHz信道间隔和30Gbaud的28.8Tb/s Nyquist-WDM系统性能研究 光电子•激光 白成林 EI
53. Chaos-Based Partial Transmit Sequence Technique for Physical Layer Security in OFDM-PON IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 白成林 SCI
54. Wavelength contention resolution in WSS based ROADMs Optical Switching and Networking 白成林 SCI
55. Chaos-Based Partial Transmit Sequence Technique for Physical Layer Security in OFDM-PON IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 白成林 SCI
56. 基于FPGA的时延辅助定位光纤光栅传感系统的研究与设计 光电子激光 刘山亮 EI
57. 电容耦合电荷量子比特的调控及纠缠特性 量子电子学报 王继锁
58. Effects of B and Al on tensile strengths and electronic structure of CuZr: A first-principles study Computational Condensed Matter, 冯文侠 SCI
59. 基于OpenCV的透明瓶装无色液体液位实时检测 计算机测量与控制 葛广英
60. 基于HALCON的喷码字符识别技术的研究与实现 现代电子技术 葛广英
61. A background suppression algorithem for infrared image based on shearlet


Selected Papers From Conferences Of The Photoelectronic Technology Committee Of The Chinese Society Of Astronautics 邹瑞滨 SCI


62. 基于图像处理特征提取与表达的优盘目标识别技术 《无线互联科技》 于会山
63. CATV系统中信号传输的干扰及消除方法 《无线互联科技》 于会山
64. 基于ZigBee的智能家居系统 《山东工业技术》 于会山
65. 基于ZigBee的AODV算法的改进 电子技术与软件工程 于会山
66. 基于改造CATV网络实现三网合一的探讨 自然科学 于会山
67. 基于电子标签的ODF配线标识管理系统 无线互联科技 于会山
68. 中员工物理前概念的成因及转化研究 16877太阳集团安全入口学报(自然科学版) 赵汝木
69. 中学物理教学中员工问题意识的培养 中员工导报·教学研究 赵汝木
70. 《流体压强与流速的关系》教学设计 山西青年报·科教前沿 赵汝木
71. 利用虚光子散射对回旋脉塞自发辐射的分析 光子学报 孟现柱 EI